Kurt Saxon - The Poor Man's James Bond Vol. 4 (1992).jpg
| Kurt Saxon - The Poor Man's James Bond Vol. 4 (1992).jpg Rozmiar 65 KB |
Includes: Sapper! (A specialist who lays, detects, and disarms mines) A WWII British training officer's unpublished lectures & Illustrations. Special Forces handbook, 1965, Operating in enemy country. Viet Cong Mines & Booby Traps( 80 % of U.S casualties were by these). Field Expedient Handbook, operating in no-mans land. Engineer Soldier's Handbook, field fortifications, etc. Modern Gunsmithing, Clyde Baker, 1933, a classic! The best and most detailed gunsmithing course ever written. Handloaders's Manual, Earl Naramore, 1937. Another classic! The science of powders, cartridges. Expert course in over all loading.